from the department head

Dear Graduate

 Since its establishment, KTÜ Mechanical Engineering Department has been offering its students a Mechanical Engineering education at universal standards with its adequate infrastructure, equipment and qualified academic staff, and has been constantly renewing its efforts to provide them with the knowledge and skills required by the age. In addition to training Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Mechanical Engineering Doctors who are self-confident, adopt creative and critical thinking and common sense, are prone to team work and are dynamic, our department; It contributes to the national and international science literature and the technological development of our region and country with its scientific research activities.

The development of a department and the strengthening of its institutionality depend on its effective and continuous solidarity with its graduates. Our department, of which we are proud graduates, was accredited by MÜDEK (Association for Evaluation of Engineering Education Programs) for the years 2008-2013 and 2015-2020 and has the EUR-ACE European recognition label. The accreditation process requires obtaining the opinions and contributions of stakeholders in order to improve, develop and sustain education-training and research-development activities. Continuous sharing of our department's goals and outcomes with our graduates, our most important stakeholders, will ensure that the education and services provided are raised to higher levels. In this context, establishing and maintaining effective communication and cooperation between the department and its graduates is of great importance.

The very important roles that our graduates undertake in the public and private sectors and the high achievements they achieve are a driving force for our students, contributing to their future confidence and better preparation. We aim for department-alumni solidarity in a mutually effective communication environment in order to benefit from your ideas and experiences, create opportunities and increase the recognition of our department. In this context, by inviting our graduates working in different fields to events such as conferences, panels and seminars; We create environments with our students to share the knowledge and experiences they have gained on topics such as the current state and future of the profession, areas of work, and the qualifications sought in business life. We wish to continue developing these activities, which we have observed to be very useful for our students.

On behalf of our department, I offer my deepest love, respect and greetings; I wish you health, happiness and success.